The Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH) is a coalition of community organizations and all levels of government.

Our Vision

To eliminate homelessness in Greater Vancouver through the full implementation of the Regional Homelessness Plan: Three Ways to Home.

Our Mission

To inspire and lead a co-ordinated response to homelessness in the region.


The RSCH mandate is to:

–          Maintain, revise and implement the Regional Homelessness Plan;

–          Recommend projects for funding under the Homelessness Partnering Strategy; and

–          Develop a regional understanding of homelessness and its solutions.

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS)

Since 2000, the Metro Vancouver region has recieved $8.2 million annually under the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) to invest in local solutions to homelessness.  Investment priorities and recommended projects are determined by a Community Advisory Board comprised of government representatives and homeless service providers.  In Metro Vancouver, the RSCH serves as the Community Advisory Board for HPS investments.

In 2011, the Government of Canada renewed funding under HPS to March 31, 2014.  During that time, the delivery of the HPS program in the Metro Vancouver region transitioned to a Community Entity governance model, making Metro Vancouver accountable to HRSDC for local management and administration HPS.  The RSCH continues to be responsible for setting investment priorities and reviewing and recommending projects to Metro Vancouver for HPS funds.

The RSCH is contractually responsible to its funding partners; however, just as importantly, the Committee is accountable to those it serves: people who are homeless or “at risk”, those working directly to respond to homelessness, and the wider community. The work of the RSCH is carried out by working groups and subcommittees.

For information on the work of the RSCH, HPS priorities or the HPS Call for Proposals in MEtro Vancouver, please contact the Metro Vancouver Homelessness Secretariat at rsch (at) , or 451-6065.


The Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH) was established in March 2000 to bring together a range of people and organizations operating and funding facilities, services or programs targeted to people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness in the region. The Committee arose from the recognition that homelessness is an issue in every Metropolitan Vancouver community. As a result, the Committee identified the need for a regional response to the growing problem of homelessness.

The RSCH now includes over 120 members representing service providers, community-based organizations, business and labour, and all levels of government. The Committee has grown to become the regional voice on homelessness in Metropolitan Vancouver. Metro Vancouver, in partnership with the Vancity Communtiy Foundation, provides administrative and policy support to the Committee.

For information on the work of the RSCH, becoming a member or the HPS program in Metro Vancouver not explained on this site, please contact the Metro Vancouver Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Entity at at or 604-451-6065.

Our Partners

The RSCH is proud to partner with local Community Homelessness Tables including the Burnaby Homelessn Task Force • Delta Homelessness Committee • Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows/Katzie Community Network • New Westminster Homelessness CoalitionNorth Shore Homelessness Task Force • Peninsula Homelessness to Housing Roundtable • Tri-Cities Homelessness & Housing Task Group • Richmond Homelessness Coalition • Surrey Homelessness and Housing Task Force • Langley Steering Committee on Homelessness

Click here for a print version of the latest Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Membership List
Click here for a print version the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Homelessness Vision Statement
Click here for the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Key Tasks

Interested in becoming a member? Membership Applications are being accepted.

To learn more about the RSCH, watch our Spring 2013 Community Information Session.

Visit our Metro Vancouver web page for more information.